Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Monday, January 29, 2007

Thinking back

Used to enjoy going for walks in Battersea Park, even playing in the little bit of snow that fell there .. not counting 1963 ofcourse!!! Marooned at my aunt's with chickenpox instead of going back to Holland. Boy, did it snow that year and on into the next. And I got to see it all thanks to showing matron a spot that'd appeared on the last day of term. Not that it'd've made any difference really I'd've just've been spotty at me aunts instead of sick bay for the first few days. There was no way I'd've been able to hide the chicken pox that appeared in the days coming up to my flight home. Someone eventually came to collect me and take me to my aunts in their car.

But, I'm thinking of much later than that. Out in the snow and going for walks. And being there for the Easter Parade.