Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Monday, January 29, 2007

Cold prevention

Well, attempted anyway.

I was leafing through some magazines when I saw a couple of pages of information about how to lessen your chances of picking up a cold. Obviously something I'm interested in at the moment.

When I was in hospital this time there was a bottle of hand rub attached to the end of every bed in the ward which you could use. I think the last time I was on a ward in the hospital, a few months earlier, there was just one by the sinks. These rubs were mentioned in the article so I bought some from Boots. I'll wash my hands a lot more too to see if I can cut down on the number of colds I get.

I'm not so sure about taking black elderberry and things like that because I've noticed on an information leaflet that goes with one of the medications I'm on that they advise you to tell your doctor if you're taking St John's Wort and another herbal remedy. I'll have to talk it over.

Read the rest of the article too to see what other suggestions they've come up with.