Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Up ........ etc

Someone asked me why I wasn't scared. After all this illness isn't very pleasant. But how can I be scared? I'd like to get better but there's no fear. The last few months have seen to that.

I know I have to start looking after myself better. It's rather annoying I guess that a cold will kind of make me whoozy and not interested in meditating and doing my exercises.

I meditated yesterday though because I got to sleep late. I did the physical relaxation exercises taught by W.J.Ousby, the tensing then releasing ones to release the tension from the muscles, then slowly counting from one to ten reminding yourself that you are going down deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation.

Then after relaxing you count slowly back from ten to one to end the session.

I now know that this is an adaption of a yoga exercise that is said to lessen the effects of a lack of sleep.

Just sorting out breakfast and me meds. Then I'm out for a while.