Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Monday, March 12, 2007

Up late

Up later than I thought I'd be. Did some sorting out last night but then had to deal with a couple of medical problemos before going to bed. So, late again. And then had a long sleep.

I think some of my latest problems might've been set off by a virus. It didn't affect me too badly except for my lips and gums. Well, they seem a bit better this morning. I was actually surprised how quickly they'd stop bleeding .. almost instantly but because the mouth's so mobile it can be difficult to heal the skin, especially for me.

Eggs for breakfast with a couple of brewer's yeast tablets this morning rather than going for the Marmite, Eggs have B vitamins in them which help metabolise protein but I thought having a little extra via a natural supplement with them would be ok.

Well, it's worth a try.

Maybe I should leave the fruit juice out for now too. My stomach really reacted to that glass of grapefruit juice. Vomit!!!! Puke!!!! And maybe loads of citrusy things aren't good for me right now.

I dunno.