Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Troooolls on da board

There's a troll on the bag at the moment. I know because I caught one of his/her signature lines before s/he changed it. "So many men, so little time." And this from a married woman too. Well, a suddenly married woman, got hitched within a few pages, because the glaring impression to start off with was that s/he was in a new relationship. I must admit the thread had me reeling as I read it as well. The baggers did catch him/her out but the OP managed to explain it all away as s/he went through leaving them slightly perplexed. There were little give aways though that I picked up on. I'm pretty sure this is a man because of the way he's trying to feminise things, it comes across pretty strangely at times. I'd reckon he's about 40 too, maybe a bit older.

But ofcourse I could be wrong. Don't think so though but we'll stick to him/her because I obviously can't be totally sure. I think s/he might have another alter ego there at the moment too.

The threads are quite interesting and there've been some good responses so best just to leave it. Maybe the person will just get bored and go. It's even possible that they were trying to get a bit of info I guess .. but I don't think so more like s/he was just totally bored for a while.

There's a chance that if they do stay for a while they'll end up getting snappy if they start getting rumbled. Dunno, the threads have been slightly surreal at times but I suppose sort of interesting.

Wasn't even tempted to potter along and join in.

Anyway I must go and get some sleep now.