Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Monday, March 12, 2007


I'm just sitting here waiting for the Nivea to settle. I'm using a mixture of Nivea and Vaseline on my lips. Nivea on first.

Been left thinking this afternoon cause I've been discussing, pooling thoughts on, something with someone on one of the boards and something similar has come up in my own life. Mine's nothing in comparrison because I'm talking now about someone who's just an acquaintence from a long way away. His is about the person who was his best female platonic friend.

But sometimes things will come up that you can't agree about and the friendship/friendly acquaintenceship ends much to your disappointment.

She's made what I think is a wrong decision that I think she'll come to regret in lots of ways.

And, now, he's (the person in my life) made a decision that has brought a whole different light to how I see his personality. And, again, I think he's gonna get really hurt. Looks to me as if he's being set up.

I'll sort of have accepted it by tomorrow but it's sure brought it home to me how the person I'm talking to on the board is feeling. Not that I wasn't aware but now I'm sitting here reacting to something reasonably similar though obviously just the tiniest, teeniest bit emotionally involved in comparrison because I didn't know this person very well.