Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Good morning

Up, doing the meds and eating breakfast. Going to concentrate on the flat today for a while and get the papers sorted and the cds into boxes. Might go for a little walk.

Listening to Mud. Wondered whether to add speakers but I think I'll leave it. The sound isn't as good as on the old Packard Bell but I'll leave it for now. And I don't want earplugs.

Had a good sleep last night though got to bed later than I meant to. I was all ready to turn in but noticed there were a couple of things to do so I sorted them out. Don't actually know what time I turned in but I fell asleep quickly and slept through til around nine this morning.

I have permission to turn up at Warwick for my next appointment when I can through the day. I said I have trouble in the mornings and I was told it didn't matter as long as I get there that day. I'll put the alarm on fer early and get a taxi in for my appointment as I don't want to put their day out.

Better get my notes for my doctors sorted out too. There're a few things to talk over and it's so easy to forget something. And this is all so complicated.

I was up much later than I should've been the night before last. Infact a whole lot of us were it turns out. Just one of those nights I guess.