Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Friday, March 09, 2007

Here again

Not here for long as it's getting late. Well, maybe early for me .. but you know what I mean. I'm doing me best. The two hospitals, St Thom's and Warwick, are being so good to me that I just feel that I have to keep on going on. Not just them ofcourse but today I just felt rather humbled which is why I mentioned them.

I got offered an earlier appointment at St Thom's yesterday after they'd already fitted me in for a date I'd requested at the end of the month because I've another problem. Guess I've been offered another one of their emergency appointments because I know that going by the usual route there were no appointments for over two months. I've had to miss appointments because of the way my illness was affecting me and I couldn't travel down to London but still it's pretty cool.

And today one of the team at Warwick phoned to advise me on the new problem. He included me GP in the people who are concerned so they've obviously been chatting.

There've been calls from the surgery for me to phone down there as well today.

I think we might have to change some of my medication.

I've said how brilliant these people are and they are.

I still haven't got Warwick or me doc their Steve Earle cds but they'll be getting them soon.

I'm going to write out what I need to discuss at the hospitals and with my GP and take it with me for my appointments. Will photo copy it all so they've a record to refer back to and so have I. I'll write about how my illness has been affecting me as well so that they have that for their records too. It'll save time and be useful.