Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Well apart from me lips which are having problems, not least because I found myself not being too careful when I woke up. And me side but I won't complain about that because it's down to a muscle moving that had stiffened up on that side. It's painful but it will clear up. I should just be grateful that this is happening now.

I've loads of advice on what I could try from people who've had vaguely similar problems but without the illness I've got complicating things. It's worth a try. And some advice from a pharmacist which I'll try now I've got the right ingredients. I will try and I'm phoning Dr Taibgee tomorrow. I might have to have my steroids increased possibly. I'm not on a very high dose so it's a possibility.

Apart from that I do feel better in myself. I mean the pain's still there but I've been more active and much more chatty over the last four or so days.

I have got a cold. Though me nose seems to've dried up a bit too so maybe ....................

I better be off to bed.

I'll do me relaxation exercises and a little meditation mantra style once I've tensed and released me muscles and counted myself down .. I'm feeling more and more relaxed etc. 9 Every mucle in my body is feeling heavy 8 Feeling heavier and heavier, more and more relaxed.

Well. the book was called Self Hypnosis.

7 Heavier and heavier

6 You are feeling more and more relaxed


Wake up everyone

Ur not meant to go t'sleep

Are they Mr Ousby

We're counting down to relaxation

5 deeper and deeper.

I can't remember word for word what he said but that's what we did.

And then when you've got down to 1 you can spend time in a state of relaxation.

When you want to leave that state of relaxation you slowly count yourself out of it by slowly counting from 10 to 1

The tensing and releasing exercises are done lying down and they are the general tightening and releasing exercises. Tightening muscles and then letting them relax. Like raising your shoulders up towards your ears, holding for a count of five or whatever suits you the best and slowly releasing them. Stretching out your arms muscles and slowly relaxing them etc.

And now I must potter off.