Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Early night then.

Be in bed earlish tonight and just try and get things right again. Early to bed and early to rise. I'll be sorting out more of the flat tomorrow. Getting up early means I can take my first dose of pain relief early and the second one more or less where I would be taking the first if I got up later. Then I can get down to things.

Not sure whether to take this computer in for repairs either. I just use it for surfing and do everything else on the one that works properly but I think I'll wait til I'm back in town. Shouldn't be long now.

Getting up earlier will mean I can get more done though.

Better go and put dinner on then hadn't I..


I've still got a bit of a cold but I'm not feeling too bad all things considered. My side is painful, but the muscles there are moving but are still very stiff. Guess they are going to be painful for a while. I'd hoped that the pain would go quickly but I guess it hasn't because the muscles are still a bit rigid. But at least they're moving better. Don't know why it's just there but still. Hope it clears up soon. I mean there's more movement generally but the pain's just down that side.

I do my relaxation exercises before going to sleep now. And I mix a mantra style meditation in with the relaxation while I'm just relaxing.

Guess I should start doing some very gentle yoga exercises too as my muscles are more mobile. Just little stretching ones. Do those in the morning.