Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Back with the protein mix

Up, fed, watered and medicated. And drunk my protein mix which I hadn't for a while. I'd hoped that the strawberry one was vegan/vegetarian but it wasn't. Bet the chocolate one's nicer anyway not that I'll ever know.

One scoop for 119 cals and around 24 grammes of protein. Just the one scoop a day

I took my medication with just a little food and I think the pain relief has worked better than when it goes down with a whole meal and I suspect that goes for the steroids too.

Someone was saying on one of the boards that steroids have given her a ravenous appetite. This is what I'd expected because it often happens but they haven't affected me that way. Maybe for the first couple of weeks after I left hospital the first time but I'd hardly eaten for around two months except for about a week and a half before leaving hospital so it probably wasn't surprising. I lost the weight I'd put on earlier in the year when for some reason I'd suddenly put on weight. Probably because my body was slowing down I guess. Around three stone went in a month if I remember rightly just before I went into hospital which meant something else was going on cause it was more than I should've lost even if I wasn't eating much.

Ofcourse having had the flu hasn't helped the situation as flu can damage cells. More repair work eh body!!! Still I'm doing my best now. I'm back with my protein mix and am eating very healthily and getting the rest to help as well.