Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tomorrow will tell ..huh.

It's so difficult to decide whether to go out for a walk or not. If I make the wrong decision I'm just going to feel really bad the next day and it can mean a lot of extra pain.

I walked down to Tesco in Warwick in the end. I felt different from how I had been feeling on previous walks and I was much more relaxed. It was a gorgeous evening and the walk went much too quickly. Think I carried too much back, it wasn't much but probably at the moment it was more than I should've been carrying. Took a shoulder bag down with me to spread the weight and didn't feel as if there was a problem. Just bought healthy food but a different selection from what's on sale here.

I'm being really good there's a bar of chocolate right next to me and I'm not in the least bit tempted. Had a couple of squares this morning and now I can leave it just sitting there.

My tummy still isn't right but I suppose I've just got to wait. There's a mixture of problems to clear up.

I read in the Warwickshire Telegraph that Warwick Hospital is having problems with the virus that's been affecting the hospital in Coventry. I think I might've had it a little while ago so I should be alright now. I try to be careful and wash my hands a lot and I've the bottle of handscrub. Whatever, I seem to be coming to an end of the cold too now which isn't what the bug they're worrying about there. Made me really ill though, but I suppose I've got to expect that at the moment.

Sorting out a little everyday here. Not doing much because of the illness but just doing a little everyday means things are moving. Less speed, more haste or whatever the saying is. If I try to do more than a little I'm just going to make myself ill and then things will take even longer.

It was hoped that I'd be able to get down to St Thomas' this week for an appointment but I wasn't well enough to. I told them I was doing everything I could to try and keep things going ok here and I hope to see them soon.

Actually comparing now to how I was when I came out of hospital a few weeks ago I'm a lot better. I really wasn't at all well.