Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Friday, February 23, 2007

Late breakfast

Well, only in bed for 12 hours!!!! And still tired. I suppose I've been a little on the over optimistic side about getting over all this .. you know .. in a couple of weeks or whatever.

That's me. I do tend to underplay things a bit.

Even I have to admit that the last two bugs have knocked me out a bit though. My breathing's ok again and the strange noise has gone. It was my muscles rather than a bacterial infection. Last night my right side played up a bit. That's right, I thought, go fer it, it's usually the left side that causes most of these kind of problems . I wondered if I was going to get any sleep at all but I eventually dozed off near 3ish and was out like a light til around midday.

My left foot seems to be becoming more flexible again and the feeling there of having "gone to sleep" in the foot and the calf has been replaced by a sort of tingling pins and needles sensation. My left foot was much worse affected than the right for some reason or other .. egg sized blisters on that one, while the right foot went in much less exotic type blisters.

My nasal passages are what have amazed me the most though. Sheesh. There wasn't usually much room fer much more up them. I've no idea what caused this but I guess it was something to do with the breakdown of the mucous membranes and sometimes I felt almost soley responsible fer the destruction of the world's forests as I struggled to cope with what was going on nostrilwise.

But, that's suddenly a lot better. What I don't understand is why the pain levels still are so high. I can't stick me fingers up me nose to tell what's going on but I can see better in my mouth and there's still healing to do there. No bleeding though. I forgot to do me mouthwashes last night. I have steroid and steroid sparing pills to take but I also have lotions and potions to help them .. more steroid based things.

My muscles are taut and swollen from having to cope with the last two bugs. I suppose it's not surprizing I reacted the way I did straight after coming out of hospital.

What has surprised me too though is my sudden switch to really healthy eating. I wasn't eating very well the week or so before I went back into hospital, was relying a little too much on breakfast bars, guess because the tiredness and pain was getting to me. But obviously being porridged up again had an effect because I've been eating well since I left. No cravings .. well, maybe fer the odd bowl of rhubarb 'n' custard but that's been taken care of with an emergency tin of rhubarb and packet of custard stored away just in case.

Yey for the emergency rhubarb.

Chocolate? A square here and a couple of squares there. Apparently this stuff is too good to go without totally.

I ain't complaining.