Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Best to've stayed in I guess.

Well, I thought about it and stayed in for most of the day. I'm still rather snuffly and perhaps had planned on doing a bit more than I should just right now.

It's difficult to tell what to do some days. If I'm feeling really ill then obviously I stay in but it's the borderline days that are difficult. People always say play it on the safe side. How far can I walk? Can I go off to Oxford or up to Brum? Like it doesn't seem much to do.

Anyway, the cold will go. And I'm much more careful not to tire myself at the moment. I've got a bit off a cough still so I suppose it was best to stay in and I'm still a bit swollen up.

I was going to do me letter cards on the train.

But I'm glad I stayed in cause I expect if I hadn't I'd be complaining tomorrow.