Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Back in from a walk under the stars. Just a sort of ramble around. I didn't go far. It was one of those stay off the grass days as it'd been raining and the comyn was a bit on the slushy side in places. Nice walk though and a lovely evening.

It's been a strange few days really. A couple of days ago I'd been researching and writing about something and I'd let it get to me which left me a bit moody. I said something that I didn't totally mean, it was just in exasperation really I guess, because it was too all encompassing and there's a lot more to the story. i

The next few days in my head'll be interesting I guess as I sort it out.

Other people have unwittingly been adding to it too. A young guy I know said something that while might've been meant as satire but which is sticking in my mind cause it's very near the truth of the matter. He exaggerated what he said to make it funny. But it's sure made it stick in my mind

Then a woman I know said something that was more connected to my initial exasperation. There was a lot of truth in what she said, and, along with quite a lot more, I'd verbally thrown my arms in the air but it 's far more complicated than that reaction of mine. And my reaction, as a blanket reaction, was unfair.

Oh, well, I suppose the headspace is going to be busy.