Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Just a few minutes until the library closes...............

Back in the library again for a few mins. One of their late evenings when they close at eight. Just came down on the off chance that there'd be one free.

Not such a good day today as it took me rather a long time to get to sleep last night, woke up late which kinda put the day out again. I went for a walk yesterday evening don't really know if that had anything to do wioth it. Might not as I think I have another cold as my sense of taste has gone a bit. It's not affecting me too badly though. Apart from having problems getting to sleep last night and then feeling really sleepy today until late afternoon when I seemed to get some energy back.

Still haven't sorted out the computer and have just been on line reading. I found another site which is related to the bag through people who are posting there. Just what I need, not, more interesting forums to read. It's not as big as the bag but then it doesn't seem to have been going too long and for a newish message board is already pretty busy. I've just skimmed it today, too tired to do much else, but it looks as if it's going to be a good read.

I used to post on the bag sometimes, not often though, it's just too big and posting and reading would take up a lot of time away from the other places I go. I read two large boards, the bag and another which was one of the first I went to when I started using message boards. Was away for a while but have got interested again.

Four minutes to go until the library closes.........................................

Time to go then I guess.