Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

30 mins

Well, I'm back down here for half an hour. I might have my old computer up and running back at the flat this evening. If not, I'll set up the other one when I've sorted out the flat a bit more. There's no rush for a couple of days. I'm in read only mode back at the flat at the moment though I can click my way around quite a bit through the links I've saved and links from those pages.

The last few days have been spent tqalking a few things through which has been great. If there hadn't been computer problems I wouldn't've had one conversation that sorted out quite a bit of what's been on my mind out for me. Well, on one topic anyway. Boy, does my mind go over and over it. I guess I'm in I know it has to be true but I've found it hard to accept mode right now. "I've found" being more or less in the past tense.

I've the title of a new book to read which should be interesting.

It's a nice present to give someone. Someone gave me some information this morning that's good for me to know. It did confirm something that I thought and I knew this person didn't want to worry me and I talked a little about what I knew as a kind of present in return. I think someone else left the room because they had tears in their eyes but they could still hear what I was saying and I knew for this person it would be a very good present indeed. Well, she too has given me helpful advice in the past it's nice to be able to return the good thoughts like this.

Healthwise I still have quite a few problems. My stomach might be getting rather sensitive again and I really need to have another talk about my pain relief. But, on the other hand, my nasal passages are certainly better and I've stopped producing the amount of "sleep" that I was around my eyes. I had a bit of a problem because I'd cracked lips because of my cold and they weren't healing well but this morning things are better there too. My toe isn't too bad. I'd knocked it and ofcourse my foot's reaction to anything like that is to blister and this wasn't a nice blister but it's healing. The blister didn't go hen's egg size either. Obviously we're heading back down to more your Cadbury's mini egg size though not there yet. This was a deepish one though but it's healing.

Anyway, have to go now as the library's due to close in a few minutes.