Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

She's gone ............

Oh, and I found out more about what the person'd been doing last night. Give me strength. She's been planning all this, running everyone down all over the place. Playing games with people as if they were pawns on a chess board. It seems that she'd decided that I had to be totally discredited early this year because I'd worked out too much about her.

Making friends with people then ditching them and then accusing them of not being there for her to other people. Apparently she also hates philanthropists and people who give to charity too. Well, if they've got more money than she has. Well, if she's trying to get to people to put them down. This is all said to them in private ofcourse while she's running them down to other people. and saying the opposite to other people about how she feels about, in this case, charity.

She's enjoying herself playing games of emotional sabotage.

She has a nice job. I'd noticed that things seemed to've taken a turn for the worse when she got it. The arrogance levels rose. She'd been saying how much she loved it but last night I found out that other people thought she hated it. She'd also been running down the lovely friend she'd made there. Well, we'd been told she was lovely.

She obviously doesn't empathise or see people as anything but pawns for her to play with. The net gives her plenty of scope for this but it's obviously boomeranging back into her off line life too.

She appears to be heading for the religious/new age community now. A bit like one of these ministers you hear about in the States who is caught embezzling funds and with half a dozen women on the go who his wife knows nothing about. She ofcourse has been vocal about people like that.

She is hoping to do some kind of therapy work from what we can make out. And, she's started promoting herself as someone who's only interest in life almost is wanting to be there for and heal other people.

Just like she was there for me, eh. Guess she decided when I went in and things looked bad that I just wasn't worth bothering with any more. Also, I guess, I had to be given a bit of grief for becoming so ill and so not being able to deliver what she wanted.

It seems that you mustn't disagree with her about anything either.

At the moment she's working on discrediting her partner's friends in his eyes. I guess isolation is the name of the game there. I thought it was some kind of paranoia to start off with because of the business he's in but it seems not. He's a real nice person from what I know, fun, friendly, and faithful. The three fs. And, I'll add another one, family orientated too.

I went out for a walk latish yesterday evening and came back to find a lot of this out.

I have to say I've met some nice people on the net, she isn't one of them. You really do have to be very careful.

Bit like the other one who was banned while I was in hospital.