Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


More or less medicated and about to sort out some food. I've still got a bit of a cold but it isn't affecting me that badly.

Was thinking about THAT woman before I got up this morning. I realised she was just a seething mass of vindictiveness and jealousy. She hated people who'd gone on to higher education, artistic people who had or hadn't, people with money, people without money, her husbands hobbies, people who like his work, men, and it seems, women too. Guess, just about everyone.

All this hidden in a picture of alternate hip hippiness.

I guess she's hoping that she can cause more trouble and upset people. Think she's probably hoping that I'll explode and that she can run around saying look what she said. Sorry, luv, it's not going to happen. I've more sense than that. We're just poddling on.

From what I understand she's trying to sow seeds of doubt in her partner's mind about a couple of his collegues/friends at the moment. Classic, huh?!!

I was wondering if she was just becoming ill, she was so funny and nice to start off with, but I've realised that the shit towards me really started when I disagreed with something she'd said.

Must be fun at home.

She was quite like the other one who got banned. All sweetness and light for a while but there was something else bubbling away underneath.