Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Internet security

The woman talked about safety on the internet which I said a little bit about a day or so ago. I think most people realise that there are quite a few people out there hiding behind the anonymity the net gives people.

The woman I spoke about didn't cause me any grief really. She annoyed me but I'd realised that something was up so it wasn't as if I wasn't prepared. Same as IRL.

It's been left in quite a good way too with her having to contact me. Well, she thinks I'll contact her first ... but I won't. She doesn't read this blog so I'm not giving anything away. I think this is the end anyway. It's a shame because she actually was really funny but had this side to her personality where she just liked to try and mess up people's confidence and things like that.

It's crazy watching the games people like her play. All that effort and I can get on with things while she's wasting her time mulling all this over (I presume).

Seriously, there're a lot of people like that on the net just as there are IRL. It's not as if it's a secret is it. There's enough written about it and talked about on the TV and radio.