Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Mega mega multi vits.

Up, fed and medicated. More or less. Still got my protein drink to go.

Had a restless night last night. Walked to Sainsburys, had dinner and was on net and phone, then fell asleep. Woke up and couldn't get back to sleep for a few hours. Did eventually and woke up around miday!!

Don't feel too bad though I'm tired.

I noticed an article in the papers about vitamins not always being good for you. I presume they mean in mega doses. I've been a bit wary about taking large doses of vitamins since the 70s or 80s when it was found that taking large doses of B6 caused numbness and tingling.

When I became a vegan and was reading up on nutrition I had a book that told you about the symptoms of toxity from vitamins and minerals which was enough to put me off. It told you what was considered safe but I didn't take large doses anyway. I can remember reading that taking above a certain amount of vitamin D could cause calcium deposits around the body and I really didn't think that sounded very nice!!! It assured you that the deposits could happen in the brain too. Wonderful, I thought. You had to take heaps of the stuff but I thought it was best to be careful.

I take a multi mineral and vitamin pill that contains a 100% of the RDA (recommended daily amount) recommended in this country for most of the vitamins and minerals it contains though I think it only has 25% of calcium recommended. I was thinking the other day it'd be nice if the individual vitamin tablets came in smaller amounts, more pills in little amounts. I was just going to take tiny amounts of vit C at regular intervals during the day to see if it could help me get rid of my cold just to keep my nutrition up.