Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tuesday ...........

Just getting my protein drink sorted out. I stayed up too late last night thinking stuff out but slept in too so I guess that sorted itself out.

But, as I've been saying for months, no late nights for me nomore.

Anyway I better get sorted and do a bit more around the flat. Still not quite cold free so won't be doing too much.

Resisted the call to go out for a walk yesterday.

Roobarb. Roobarb.

Well, I guess u just have to get in the kitchen and open the tin of rubarb and that packet of custard and aim the contents at a bowl.

Guess I'll be back with bean curries soon at this rate.

Tinned beans, spinnach, tinned tomatoes and curry sauce. Add ready cooked rice to same saucepan.

Though I guess I'll have to ask me doctor if I should be virtually curry free for a while until I'm a bit better.

I guess I'll have to stay down the korma end of currydom if I do eat them.

At the moment I'm just avoiding grapefruit juice. I don't think I'll try testing very hot spicey food to see if it has to be added to that.

I think it's one of those things you just kind of know.