Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I didn't fall asleep til early this morning. Muscles on the move again which is a good thing but it makes sleeping difficult. Eventually it stopped and I drifted a while in a kind of relaxed state and then went to sleep.

Strangely enough I had a few Beatle's songs drifting through my head, well, just a line from a few songs, rather than a whole verse or song, just before I fell asleep. Whatever they were, I forget now, but I know they were pleasant. I was surprised because I never listen to The Beatles because I find I just can't connect but it was nice just hearing the a line here and there. I do like the lyrics to some of the songs.

Maybe it was because I'd just read a PM from one of my internet friends just before turning in who really likes the Beatles music. It was very interesting.

I was woken by a knock on the door this morning though I suppose it might've been a car door or something or even just me coming out of a dream. Whatever, I managed to doze a bit more though I didn't get back to a proper sleep.

So, still tired.

Have been pottering around my boards a bit today. Today I've been thinking how nice it'd be if you could actually go and collectively give group hugs to people sometimes. Boardwise we're all over the world and I like it but just sometimes it'd be nice if we could kinda just be there to hug someone.

People have asked if I had ever wanted children and do I have any regrets about not being a parent.

Well, after yesterday's blogging...........

Yes, once I thought it'd be nice to have children but I wouldn't have made a good parent so I'm glad that I didn't.

Otherwise, up, fed and medicated. Had me vitamin pill and protein drink as well. The hospital drinks were called Fortesips, I was thinking Nutrisips but I didn't think that was right and it wasn't.