Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Well, I'm off to get some rest now. Bloggingwise I've been over on A Place In Thyme but I thought my friends who are parents would be more clued up on the UNICEF report than me as far as this country goes.

I do have to say I guessed who would have the first two places and going by previous reports I did think that the UK would have problems.

I'll also add that I don't think the report is the whole picture but it certainly touches on a lot that hopefully will start a lot of discussion.

And, that's it.

Bit of a cop out maybe but I'm also too tired right now to argue the points of the report as far as the UK goes. Some would be political but some would put me a bit on the outsiders side.

What do you think is best for children? How do you counteract the effects of poverty as far as children are concerned? How best to empathise with those who have little love and parental responsibility in their lives?


Right, off to sort my pills out .. not so many in the evening .. and then shortly I'll be off to try and get some sleep.

Because that is what is gud fer me!!!