Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Monday, February 26, 2007


Well, some of it anyway. I'm just going to do a little everyday. I had to leave it for a while again because I wasn't well enough. A combination of the bugs plus having to go back into hospital plus me illness!!!

I'm still a bif snuffly but I don't feel as bad as I did. It was just getting the bugs after being in hospital I guess. I was really ill when I went in. Takes time to get over these things.

As for my initial illness I'm still rather fragile but there you go. OK, so you don't suddenly recover after a few weeks. Well, I never!!!!

I haven't been meditating every day even after seeing what this could do. Headaches, muscle stiffness and pain distracted me a bit I guess, but I didn't totally leave it.

Eating well and remembering my protein drink. Guess the drink makes a difference. When I was in hospital I had ready made ones in cartons with a straw with vitamins added. There were quite a few different flavours to choose from. They kept them in the fridge and would ask you what flavour you wanted. Pippa had them too. They were quite nice. Can't remember what they were called now. Something sip, but I can't remember the first part of the name. The only one I didn't particularly like was the strawberry one.

Well, sort a bit more out here tomorrow.