Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Sunday, May 14, 2006


I was told yesterday that generally I'm loved and well thought of. That professionally I'm really well respected in some places.

I don't know quite what that means really. There's such a mix of people out there and you can't win em all over or whatever.

I've never wanted to be liked by everyone to be honest. But there are always some people in life that you hope'll like you.

I was referred to as our little lemuure the other day. I hope that was tongue in cheek!!!!!

But I do understand what was being said. I find trust hard sometimes. At the moment I'm a bit cynical, along with millions, if not billions of others, I guess. One reason for this is watching the way some people will support you while they think you're supporting them, playing their game so to speak politically in a human rights context, but if you make any moves to suggest that tolerance and acceptance go across the board they will refuse to give up their own prejudices. They're really just out there for themselves and f*ck everyone else. There's nothing honest about their support and they'll turn on you if they're not getting what they want.

Other people will pretend to like you but then you find out they're actually there with their claws only partially sheathed in velvet and are ready to unsheath them anytime as they hang round waiting for you to make some kind of small mistake they can magnify so that they can rip you to shreds.

C'est la vie I guess.