Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Saturday, May 13, 2006


I feel a bit guilty about my friend. I'd been agreeing to meet up for ages and had put it off. Both of us are pretty bad at keeping in touch I guess. But it was mainly me. But I want to stay friends and it's not going to happen if we don't ever speak to each other again!!!!! She'll be moving to Scotland soon with her husband and daughter and I'd just hate never to see her again.

I think we'll probably work together a bit. There was talk about that ages ago and I couldn't really get my head round it. But I'm there now. Probably do some illustrations for her and edit a bit to help things along.

We've known each other quite a long time now. But I've kept it on rather a business footing because I was just so tired and under the weather. But I do see her as someone I want to keep in my life and not just as a business acquaintance. She's twenty years or so younger than me but we get on well.

(And I can be a sort of adopted aunt/nan figure I guess too. All their relations are abroad and it's nice to have someone round like that. It was getting like that but I wouldn't meet up outside of her work!!!

Friends then.

She's been really understanding as well. And has even said that it hasn't just been me but to be honest I was the one putting just going out to get to know each other away from her work off.

I think we will work together even though she's going to Scotland. I couldn't have done it before. I'd just disconnected or something. Now it looks ok.