Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Friday, May 12, 2006


I was back in London today getting my teeth done. They're sorted now though I'm having a little bit of lightening done on the lower ones at some time because of the way the bridge colour is graded. They've been well done and are much better than my previous bridge. The old bridge gave me a slight pout because of it's strange irregularities. I now have all my teeth again too as this new bridge is the extended version I should have had done ages ago I guess.

I wasn't late but I had to get a taxi again from the station, though this time from Marylebone rather than Paddington, to get there on time. I was quarter of an hour early actually. Polishes nails on t shirt. But I guess I spoilt that by asking when I got there if it was the right day and time.

I explained that the anaesthetic had a bad effect on me and we decided to try without this time. There was some pain with some things that were done but I'd rather that than top up the effects that I'm still having from the anaesthetic. The pain is over now but if I'd had the anaesthetic I'd be still feeling the added effects. It's bad enough as it is without adding more trouble.

I've had quite a few shots of local anaesthetic in the last few weeks and quite a number of those last week. It's quite affected me. Anyway didn't have one today. I hoped I'd be able to manage without and fortunately I did. There are one or two other things to do but we're leaving them for now and they'll be spaced out. Not much to do though, no more two hour stints.

Afterwards I wandered around for a while, went up to where I used to live for a little while many, many years ago. Lived just off the common. I went to walk on the common but I just didn't feel well enough so turned off and walked over to where I'd once lived. It's a pagan household now. I looked over into the back and it is so beautiful. The whole place is just so lovely. I had a flat there and I just realised that I hadn't appreciated it at the time. People were unloading a sound system while I was there so we had a little chat and then I went and walked round the area a bit and again I realised just how lovely the area is and that I hadn't really noticed so much while I was there. Just out in the suburbs. I'll be living in the inner city when I go back which has it's pluses. But I did feel sad that I'd lived in such a lovely place and hadn't really realised.

The gardens are overflowing with flowers and trees. And it's so near a common. Long time since I've walked on that one because when I've been in London I haven't been over there much. It's actually greener than it is here when you're off the High Street in that area.

So I walked around a bit, chatted to a couple of people that I met for a while. People were really friendly off the High Street. People said hi and chatted and smiled. I think the headlines had dampened people a bit today though.

Loved the taxi ride in as we went over the Thames again, different route this time. Thought of Bbh because she'd've been going down part of that route if she'd be able to come over this year. But like the trip I've said I'll go on it'll have to wait a year.

Eventually I went to the health shop. No vegan sausage rolls again. I suppose this time because it's a Friday. There was the one aduki bean cottage pie there and I almost wondered if it was a display one because there's always just one there when I go in, but it looked real enough. They're not stocking the products in Camden but I'll try Old Street when I'm living there again. Alternatively I'll just have to learn to cook I guess.

I'm not very good at multi tasking in the kitchen!!!!

Anyway I did go to Camden and buy some prepared food for tonight from Fresh and Wild. The smell when you go in there is soooo nice but I buy food that's already packaged to take away rather than anything that's served up while you'e there. What I'd've liked from there had all gone too. Someone else had eaten it!!!!!! Who cares though.

And that was it. I wish I'd stayed the weekend now but I don't feel too good. I'm kind of cut off a bit or something because of this flipping anaesthetic. Best just to carry on sorting things out here for now.

But it was a good day regardless.