Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mentally deleting

I wrote something a little while ago that was just using symbolism for what had happened. I changed it before I even posted it, then I changed it again, and then again until it was quite far removed from what had come into my mind to start off with.

I didn't want to write about it factually because it was too personal. Just something that had really made me sit up and take note.

Whether it was another "spooky story" or not like the ones we've talked about on our board I just don't know. It might be, it might not be. But along with another conversation it's taken me back to the past in my mind to memories that I hadn't been back to for quite some time and the memories have helped me understand something I'd been thinking about just a little better.

Today I want to have a quiet day in my mind so will probably do some more sorting out and then just go out and look around some. I'm tired again, slept reasonably well but I can still feel the effects not being well is having on me.

I'm going back to get a bit more rest now.

And then I'll be up again for the porridge.

Today will be quiet mindwise I hope. Doesn't mean that I'm going to stop thinking about things but I want it to be a little slower paced or something today.

Yawn. Sleepy me.