Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Interesting day

It's been a really interesting day today. I don't feel too well but that hasn't changed that it's been one of my better days, though I do wish the health problems would let up some.

I'm really tired now and I've got to go and do dinner before I slip off to sleep I guess. Don't want to find myself heading for the kitchen in the early hours again. I got up then because people tell me I've really got to look after myself at the moment. I've been alright foodwise generally, though I guess I might have been a bit dehydrated at times because sometimes when I'm very tired I forget to have a glass of water. Or, I think I'll get one a little later and I never do.

Dehydration can make you feel quite ill over a period of time.

I've been ok today. I'm not actually tired I guess, it's more that I just don't feel very well. Don't know if it's something to do with the fact that some of my muscles have definitely got a lot better over the day, though there's still a way to go or if I've got a bit of a cold still, or if it's like a combination of the two.

It's been a good day though. Apart from feeling this way.