Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Friday, May 26, 2006


I wrote this up on another board, with a few changes, when someone said she was thinking about changes in the way she dressed.

Why not do what you want. I love the creativity of clothes and don't see why anything should change that. Trouble is these days creativity seems to be on the out. People seem to see magazines as their personal stylists and there's hardly any individuality. It's changed a little over the past few months but there's still an air of 1984 where everyone is the same. The designer clothes thing has just seemed to dry up everyone's creativity because that was so where it wasn't at for so long.

People wanted to be a label and not to have to do it for themselves.


And the media has supported this too. It's easy copy. Suppressing people's creative thinking which then goes off into other fields.

Positive creative thinking is what brings out new discoveries and new ideas. Shame our society seems to have so much invested into trying to suppress it.

And it's fun too.