Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Pain. My muscles are starting to move again. They've been so stiff for so long and it ruddy well hurts. It's not the type of pain that I went into hospital with last time because it's not constant like that was. I can sit down and it's reasonable or I can walk and I'm fine. But then one of the muscles will move a little and the pain. The worst is in my right side and lower back. I've mentioned this before when it's been happening but this time it's going in for it big time and it is very painful indeed.

I've added a couple of MST10 to my morning and night doses. I don't take much morphine. I explained to me doc at the hospital that I'd prefer not to if it was possible but I think I'll up it a bit while this is going on. It's up to me and just at the moment I think it's a wise thing to do though by as little as possible. It should only be for a few days I guess.

I know I said that I thought this needed to happen to help with the healing. The stiffness and puffinness in my muscles going down, but I had no idea that it would be so painful. I think it'll be easier for things to heal if there's more flexibility, that would be so whether I had this illness or not but especially so with this type of illness.

And the muscles decided to go for it just after I got back from Tesco this evening, 12 hours after I'd taken me last MST, just as the effects would be wearing off. Well, at least it made sure that I didn't take a smaller dose before turning in for the night I guess. I don't take any oramorph before bed generally now, just me last paracetamol of the day. It's been happening sice Thursday.

I went down to the meeting on Friday evening just to see people and pick up the months schedule. I thanked them and said that I didn't know how I'd've got through this illness without them and all they've taught me. Well, obviously I would, but it would be seeing things in a different way and not in such a big picture. It would be very different.

My thanks goes out to everyone who's helped and supported me through this .

It was nice though to be able to go and thank these people. It's not just me they've helped but also the other people who I've talked to and been able to comfort through my experiences. Both there and elsewhere.