Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Friday, March 30, 2007

Metaphorically bangs head ........

Metaphorically bangs head on computer.

Oh, no!!!!!!!!!

She's back by the back door so to speak sympathetically offering support and advice to someone else having a tough time.

Ya really do have to be careful out there.

Dear 'bag people ......

I met this woman on the net. She was very nice, very funny and we shared a love of music, art and creative things. We became friends. Then things started to go a bit strange. I noticed that she was making some rather strange cryptic remarks now and then which seemed a bit at odds with what she usually said. But, generally, she was still this really nice, funny person.

She'd had a spot of trouble which she was supported through. She was really friendly. Hugs 'n' kisses flying around but things seemed to be getting a bit strange. Yet, on the other hand, she was still there giving support to people. Then we reached a patch where me emails weren't being replied to even though some of them were important reguarding specific things. Apparently she's a bit forgetful.

I was told I was her best friend. Hmmmm. I became very ill and had to go into hospital where things got rather painful and I had a week where things were pretty dreadful all round. On a drip and in a lot of pain. She vanished. I was ignored, not a word.

I was in hospital for around a month and she didn't reply to me or contact me once. I had one of those media centre things over me bed to use in hospital. And me phone.

Some time later when it was obvious that I was getting over me stay in hospital she got back in touch, offering me something I'd like which I couldn't just go out the door and pick up. I refused but as time went on relaxed a bit. Didn't accept the gift but talked to her again.

The strange remarks were still going on. It's like, man, she was filled with so many grudges. But, she'd also say things that contradicted them totally. She seemed to hate a lot of people for reasons like they'd gone on to futher education, they were creative, they hadn't gone on to further education, they had money, they didn't have money. She was pulling her husband's hobbies to bits. I thought she shared them. And his friends.

But also contradicting herself all over the place.

I had to go back into hospital. In a lot of pain. A different, though related problem, which was sorted out. She didn't vanish this time.

I came out and kept things as much they had been. She seemed to relax and people relented a bit. Then me illness went into another phase. In some ways I'm improving but another problem presented itself. And she turned nasty.

Found out that she'd been playing games with people. Contacting them and talking about things that were putting them down. Just trying to undermine people's confidence (totally). And trying to break up our friendships.

Actually, I know what to do. She's being ignored and just kept a bit of an eye on as far as people who don't know what's been going on goes.

Nah. Don't need to ask about it really.