Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Well, be off to sleep soon. Didn't get enough sleep last night so will try to make up for it tonight. Been for a lovely walk this evening. It was mild and really, really nice.

Gave me sports equipment vouchers away to the people behind me this evening in Sainsburys. I'm saving them myself again. I'd stopped because I had a habit of saving them but not always passing them on so I generally ask the cashiers to give em to someone else. Those and the computer vouchers at Tesco. If the person behind me wants them then that's great, if not then I'll put 'em with mine.

The vouchers are a pretty neat idea.

I think I better go. I'm sleeping quite well at the moment regardless of all the problems. If I go now and hopefully fall asleep more or less straight away I can be up by eightish tomorrow morning. Do me exercises first and guided relaxation. That doesn't take long and I've fallen asleep in the middle of doing it before now. Thankyou W.J.Ousby. I vary the times doing the exercises and guided relaxation but sometimes it's out of my hands and zzzzzzzzzzzzz.