Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Back again.

Just back for a minute or two (or probably more!!!) Been having computer problems and health ones though maybe, just maybe the health ones might be slightly improving as the brown bruise like marks that had appeared on my arms are starting to fade. They are a sign of this illness and I had a few appearing on my arms again.

It really is a strange illness, related to rheumatoid arthritis, or an illness like it, but I think it's rheumatoid arthritis, where the immune system attacks cartiledge. In my illness, instead of attacking cartiledge, the immune system attacks the substance that joins individual cells to each other. Fortunately it's a rare illness.

And, as I've mentioned before, it's related to the illness the young girl has whose grandma I met in The Priors shopping centre.

The BBC are putting out an appeal for the charity, DebRA, that helps people who have the illness the little girl has got.


DebRA's site


When I read the literature I got from the stall in The Priors I read how it took a couple of hours to tend to the illness every morning. My time then was spent feeling ill rather than getting up and having to deal with the kind of things the little girl was having to though ofcourse I had things like that as well. At the moment it's more the other way round, I feel better but a couple of hours a day and sometimes more are spent tending to the effects of the illness now.

It's a difficult illness. Speaking to the lady at the stall has helped me a lot. I donated some money and bought some things from the stall and the lady gave me some DebRA butterfly badges. I would like some more so I guess I'll have to phone the charity up and ask about them. I was very grateful that I'd gone over to the stall that day.