Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Across the miles

Hopefully I'll soon be able to things'll soon be sorted out and I'll be able to make the journey home. Must say it's possible that I didn't do too well on my journey to and from Brum. It's difficult to tell with everything that's going on.

It takes around six weeks for a medication change to have a really noticeable effect with this illness. It was reading that which made me hope that things would improve rapidly within six weeks of starting on the steroids after first going into hospital. But ofcourse there has been so much repair work for my body to do and there have been changes in the medication as the optimum dose is sorted out.

Still I have me computers and they're very good for staying in touch one way or another across the miles.

Going to take my medication now and turn in. I was up very late last night because of the illness. It can be very time consuming. Woke up late too though but I'm sleepy so I hope I'll just go to sleep