Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Monday, February 05, 2007

I went out for a short walk along the common up to the sports centre late yesterday afternoon then went up to the pub by the golf course and sat for a while with a mug of hot chocolate and watched the football. Used to go up there occasionally to work, before I became very ill, and would sit outside with me diet Pepsi and a small bowl of chips and tomato sauce. Lovely place.

Went back to the flat and then went off to the last part of the Sunday meeting. I wasn't there for long but it seemed to be one of those evenings that just didn't take off and the atmosphere was flat. It sometimes goes that way. Stayed for a while afterwards and chatted a bit which was cool and bought a ticket for an event later this week.

Came back and discovered again that I mustn't climb ANY stairs soon after eating, not even the few in this flat, or at least not while I've got this chill, because it just upsets my tum and voila ........ clearing up to do and the dettol bottle out. Poor tum just needs time to recover.

Woke up with a bit of a headache this morning, the chill again, but time and pain relief has made that better.

Just taking it easy today.