Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Went into Birmingham late this afternoon. It was a sort of spur of the moment thing. I'd been talking about going but didn't really think I would but this afternoon I just decided to go. I was fine there, though glad I'd left it late cause it meant I wasn't out too long.

I didn't get what I went for which was actually quite important but somehow got lost in the acquisition of two Consilio lecture dvds and a couple of Steve Earle dvds. There you go!!!!

Consilio are a firm who provide law tuition mainly I believe to go with London University's long distance law degrees.

I must say they've expanded their range since I last looked and are now including text books and question and answer dvds as well as the lecture and note ones that I knew about.

I spoke to a guy there who practices in property and contract. We talked a little about the fixed representation fee. He was saying too that his interest had changed since he'd been studying. Also his mum had just been in hospital and'd had a little camera looking round her insides too. She's had a chest infection that she's been having trouble shaking off. Different from my problems though I was having a little lung trouble on my walk back but that was because I'd taken work out with me and on the walk back from the station I was tired and my bag felt heavy.

I'm still very grateful to the hospital. I was so well looked after there. The care was excellent. I noticed that things had changed a bit. It wasn't just the bottles of hand rub at the ends of the beds. The saline drips were in rectangular bottles rather than the bags that were used a few months earlier .. I hit myself on the head when unhooking one of these bottles from the drip stand on the top of me bed. No damage done!!!!!! Also we had socks to wear to help prevent blood clots and were given medicine every evening to thin the blood for the same reason which was new too.

I've got a slight chill I think at the moment. Nothing too bad but it's interupting my sleep a little and I've slightly wet eyes in the morning and I'm a little bit sniffly. Just going to get dinner then turn in and try and get some rest. The day's energised me a bit but it seems I'm not very talkative this evening.

I'm tired from my day.

I need sleep.