Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Monday, February 05, 2007

I dunno

Perhaps it's me. It doesn't seem to matter what happens I still go through these very sceptical periods and have been for the past few weeks again.

Yesterday evening there was another slight coincidence while the lady was talking to the person infront of me who couldn't relate to what was being said at all. It's happened before when I didn't put my hand up about something that was said. This time the lady said she was drawn to our area but I said nought though I was wearing my new pink rose bracelet and could id with what was being said. I'd just got there and was a bit surprised that the attention suddenly went over to our side of the hall. The lady was looking at me afterwards so maybe I should've said something.

I'm not one for pink things on the whole but had decided to wear this after changing it a few times. They were talking about pink roses. It has a pink tulip and butterfly charm on it which I hadn't been aware of when I bought it so I was quite pleased that I'd decided to wear it .. but the main part of the bracelet is pink roses. OK, I could id with the lot, the person being described and the things about legal matters and hospital. Maybe I should've gone to talk to the lady afterwards. I just felt tired and probably looked it too and she was speaking to the person infront of me who was lost about it all.

I'm afraid I'm in one of my sceptical phases though. Well, sort of. Possibly because things keep on going on round one issue that I don't understand at all.

Spirit needs to lay it's cards out on the table so to speak cause I sure don't understand what it could be about ... if anything.