Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Sunday, February 11, 2007


One of the things I did in Birmingham yesterday was take back my Consilio boxes. I'd discovered that although the lecture packs were sealed they actually had no discs in them. I decided while I was there to go for the study packs rather than just the lectures. It's good value. The lectures are 20 for £19.95 and with the study packs for around an extra £20 you get a text book and question and answer book on the disc too.

I spoke to Mr Semple Piggot from Consilio, hope I've remembered ur name properly, a few years ago and I found him very helpful and informative. Infact it was his willingness to explain things and talk that has stuck in my mind. He really seemed interested in what people were doing and what they thought about things. I've heard that Consilio do have a good reputation for helping their students through their law degrees with London University's external programme.

I've heard a few of the lectures before when they came in the green or blue boxes with a few accompanying notes but I haven't seen the text books and question and answer books.

I was wondering though if there was some connection between Consilio and those yellow LLB text books that were published many years ago cause they were very good. Everything was so well and simply explained. I actually found some in the street. A firm was clearing out a lot of it's old law materials and I spotted them and went in and asked if they minded if I took them and they said that was fine and amongst them were these yellow law books for the LLB and I was just amazed at how good they were.

It'd be good to have a selection of books as well to read alongside but these books were so excellent at putting things in a way that was easy to understand and at getting all the facts together in the right place. There were also little revision booklets too that were good.

I just hadn't read them before.

It's things like that which stick in your mind though isn't it. When someone really makes an effort or something is really good.