Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Friday, February 09, 2007


It wasn't really what I was expecting. But, whatever, it gave me quite a lot to think about on a philosophical level. I'd spoken to people about it before I went and had expected more of a dialogue than a monologue. We were given the opportunity to ask a few questions but it was still far from what I'd expected.

I'd run there in a few 30 second bursts when I found a non icy patch, not that there were many, and, spent the first ten minutes after I got there being a bit raspy. But, I guess I got my lungs working a bit better because once the raspy breathing quietened down I found I was breathing a lot easier. The cold has tightened my muscles up. My doctor in London said when I once complained of stiffness from a cold that it could be to do with the virus causing muscle spasms.

The evening was what I chose to make of it. How I responded to the ideas I heard. There was a lot of good stuff there, though one thing that I disagreed with totally. But it was good to work out why I disagreed.

As I said it wasn't what I expected and there was an element of disappointment which disappeared when I realised that I was interested in some of the ideas that were being put forward. It would've been nice to have had a recording of the evening to mull some of it over because some of what was said was worth thinking about, especially the political side. Can't remember it all in detail, though I can a fair bit of it.

I missed the music. There was a young guy there who played a variety of flute type instruments. Some of the instruments were new to me and I'd've loved to have heard him play. I bought a cd though I've no idea what it's going to be like.

I thought it started at 7.30. But that was the talking!!!! I had to move myself pretty quickly to get there though it's only a ten minute walk away at the most. But, any chance to be late for something ... well, you know!!!! Or, more to the point I guess, to burst through the doors with a few seconds to go.

This evening wasn't the evening to do this though. Rasp, rasp, rasp. I was careful on the way there though, watched my step and only attempted a slight and very short "run" on grass or where there was definitely no ice.

The evening wasn't what I'd been expecting and there was a disappointment but once I changed the way I was viewing things and dropped my hopes and preconceptions it was interesting.

The speaker did go back to alter what she'd said to some degree where I'd disagreed so maybe there were second thoughts.

I think it was a good evening for me though very different from what I'd hoped in advance.