Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Monday, February 05, 2007

Bird flu and global warming

Two of the topics I used to blog about a lot when I first came on to the blogosphere. Reading and discussing what was put out in print. Now that I'm getting ready to leave .. I hope within the next four to five weeks .. the two topics are back in the headlines and much nearer to home.
Iraq too.

Ofcourse I ended up with other things on my mind and to research. On one topic, my comment is having found out a lot .. Me and George Harrison both then? Wonder how he'd've fared. And ofcourse a bit more!!!!

As for the illness .. well, we'll see how that goes. Only time will tell.

Tonight I'm doing dinner, doing some more tidying in preparation for leaving, and ofcourse being on the phone a while to various people and popping over to me boards to say hi. Then sleep I hope.