Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Been wondering whether to get it cut or not. It's kinda in a new realm for me. I remember if I hadn't constantly messed around with the fringe over the last three or so years it'd be heading for waist level again. It's now just below my shoulders which is fine I guess but it's so easy to wash when it's short. I kept on getting it cut to kind of fit in with the fringe that I'd cut.

I think I'll keep it for now. If it lasts the summer out then I'll leave it over winter as well I guess. I've hardly ever had short hair since I was 15/16 or so but I quite like it when I do. Leave it for now I think.

There's pros and cons both ways. Long hair is easy just to leave to dry but it takes longer to wash. And short hair is easier if you're travelling too but I've nearly always had long hair and I'm just used to it. Kind of washing it and just leaving it.

Just leave it for now.