Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Esoteric experience

I didn't feel too good this morning but it's passed as the day's gone on. I was quiet yesterday evening too. But am looking forward to meeting the people again, it was an interesting evening. I like being with people who are interested in searching and exploring in life. And I now have a more open mind.

I don't need anyone to give some kind of verification to the experiences I've had. They've been for real, with other people there for me to be able to check with. I said last night if they'd been visions and voices I'd've just have got myself to a doctor, but experiences that are things that you can verify and that happen too often to eventually be considered chance are something else.

I believe that there is more to life than what I believed before which was that we are born, we get through life and then we die and that is that. I'm not in the least bit religious though I still find Buddhist philosophy interesting and will probably carry on dipping into that now and then. Religion has too many ties and I want the freedom to explore and that I guess I've done, though I didn't ask for any of the experiences I've had, except in a challenging way once they got well under way. They've been too complicated and followed too much of a step by step progression this time to be purely chance over and over again.

I've also been assured that my experiences are no where as unusual as I had thought. Difficult to accept that they happen though, especially for someone like me I think.