Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Went into Birmingham. Bought a new pair of trousers, the people there always give me a discount and won't take no for an answer. I have a new pair of stripey hippy trousers.

On the way back I met someone who'd got on the wrong train. Must be an occupational hazzard I guess. Hopefully, the attitude as well. I said Not to worry, cause if you travel a lot you're bound to get on the wrong train once in a while. I know that I have. Though I guess it can be more embarrassing for some than for others.

How we giggled.

He said that's the best kind of attitude to have cause there's no point getting worried about it or anything like that. Too true I said. Or something like that.

Luckily I've never been so confident that I've come out without money or cards though. I guess you have to live and learn though. No money means you can't get a taxi the other end if you get on the wrong train, are late and have to rush to where ever you're going.

I have to admit that my couple of adventures while up here aren't the first time I've got on the wrong train. It's only happened a couple of times before which I guess is pretty good too, considering that trains arrive at different times from when they should and the platform they're meant to arrive at can shift.