Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Monday, June 26, 2006

Sitting here in the early hours

I got up a while back and have been sitting here, quite relaxed I guess, listening to Dr John. Played through Gris-Gris and now Walk On Guilded Splinters is on repeat for a while until I go back to try and get another couple of hours rest.

I feel relaxed but there's a feeling of restlessness too as I try and make sense of some of the things that have happened. Probably some kind of wanting to escape rather than have to sit and think about them.

I was reasonably content with the feeling that there was something more than the life that we can see. I was happy to just get on with things, with a kind of feeling that things are different from what I'd believed before.

Awww. I'm gonna go and get some sleep. Couple more hours will do.

That's what I should be doing now, not sitting here writing and going through all this again.