Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Today ... well, that describes it as well as anything .. so ..

Woke up this morning feeling a bit out of it and really tired. I'd had a very slight sore throat the evening before, but it'd been so slight that I hadn't really thought much about it. I guess it has something to do with this morning's blearyness.

I didn't hurry to get out and soon realised that I'd be getting a taxi into Coventry. Someone here smiled and waved when they saw me in the taxi so I guess I'd been caught being late yet again. This time I was later than the previous two times and got to the house five minutes late. Not much I know but I didn't feel too good about it. In Holland being late is considered much ruder than it is here and I still haven't managed to sort it out. Though it was just considered an eccentricity of mine I guess. A sort of inability to be on time anywhere half the time. It's usually because I'm interested in something else and I misjudge the time. How I misjudge the time after all the years, heaven knows, but I do.

Anyway, the lady was running late, much later than me and I had twenty minutes or so to sit round and relax. I didn't feel too good though, was feeling a bit achy. Foot was ok though. I'm still having trouble believing that's ok and I guess there's something in me waiting for it to go back to how it was before this treatment started. But it hasn't.

Anyway my time came and we chatted for a while. She said I seemed a bit different from the previous two times I'd been there. I was much more animated before with a lot to chat about, this time I was quieter and slower. I said I didn't feel too well and was a bit achy again. I told her about the chocolate. All my cravings for it have gone. I said that I often didn't really like it anyway. And, she said, "Yeah, it's just an addiction" which is quite right. I guess I knew that because I often didn't like it that much. She asked if I thought it was the therapy. I said that I thought it might be. It's either that or some of the other experiences I've been having with alternative people. I put it down to the Bowen therapy and she said that something similar and totally out of the blue had happened before. I know this therapy has produced some quite amazing changes, the most obvious being in my left foot. How it does this I can't work out because not that much happens during the therapy but obviously it's down to knowing what to do.

I've been watching a bit of a foot massage dvd. I'd read in one of the papers or on a news site that reflexology seems to have some basis in fact so I've decided it'd be a cool thing to learn alongside massage which I'll be studying again. Though I can still remember everything I learnt. I have seen how massage can help relieve pain and make people feel a better. It's a cool thing to be able to do. Was it Bbhalelea who said that the combination of massage and reflexology relaxes her into a really good place. When I was looking after my dying relative it was one of the things I used to try and take away some of what she was going through. It helped, that and the music.

When I left I was feeling a lot better, the aching had gone and my mood was much better. She said that my eyes looked a lot better than when I'd arrived. I give a donation when I go. I know she has two people who she's treating for free and giving money can clear space for someone else for a little while as well. The lady herself was helped through an illness with this therapy.

For me, I know that I have to combine this with eating well, drinking enough water and resting and exercising sensibly.

I went to the health shop and bought a slice of curried bean pie which turned out to be really nice and a few other bits and pieces of vegan stuff. The chocolate didn't appeal at all. They stock some vegan truffles that are really nice but I wasn't interested at all. Infact the picture in my mind has probably made sure that chocolate won't be too popular in the future.

Wandered around the charity shops and was a little surprized to see that they had much the same in as they had the week before. I'm afraid I didn't change that. Then walked back to Coventry station and got the train into Brum. Didn't do much. Wandered around some. Some people were really cool and nice to me. Went to the Chinese shop and bought a few things that had a slightly gothy camp arty feel about them. I was trying to think of the word I want there but it just won't come into my head so that description will have to do.

The shop has been quite an education in some ways. I'd never seen anything like some of the things they've stocked. Wandered around just taking the sights in. I quite like Birmingham and I won't be here much longer.