Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The best laid plans and all that

After a chat this morning I'd decided that I really had to sort out when I sleep. I mean I'm all over the place, happy to be up at three in the morning, sometimes going back to bed to get up at midday. So, someone pointed out to me today that I'm really messing up my body clock. And, yeah, that's what I'm doing.

So, I thought I'd start getting this sorted this evening. Eleven is a good time to go to bed. Yeah, that sounded reasonable enough, and then up again at seven or so. No getting up in the early hours anymore, or staying up through the night, or whatever. My body clock needs to know when I'm going to sleep. Get itself back into some kind of habit again.

So, what do I do. I got back in at around seven thirty this evening,thought I'd have a rest cause I was feeling tired. I must've dozed off and then when I woke up went to pick up the papers from the hall to look through. Guess it was the country cd and the film dvd that called me more than anything but anyway I did read through them. There's another one sitting out there, but it can wait to later to be read.

It's now coming up to one in the morning and I've got to go and make dinner because I haven't eaten that much and I've got to at the moment to try and keep healthy. And yesterday was a bit of a backslide because the hot weather introduced me back to the coolness of some soya ice cream. And just the sensation of coldness in the heat made me eat more than I normally would.

Tonight, hopefully, I'll be sorted out by eleven or so. It was suggested that I tried winding down half an hour or so before bedtime too. I might get some chamomille tea as well and have a cup of that as it's meant to help you sleep. Don't know if it does or not but there's no harm trying. Maybe I'll go down the winding down and relaxation route first though. You never know, after all I did manage to sleep through a whole night a few days ago.

And meditation. This morning I noticed that I was kind of centred in a different part of my brain than I am when I usually meditate. It was very different than the quick relaxation method I've been using for so many years. Have to see how this progresses and find out the differences and whether the two can be combined separately or whether they'll just kind of become one form of meditation naturally.

I've no idea.

Anyway, that's for later. Now, I'm off to make dinner. I've got some frozen roast potatoes, some peeled tinned tomatoes and some savoury veggie burgers. Tht'll be easy enough to do this morning. So, I'll take my still sleepy self out there and get on with it.

And won't forget that all important glass of water!!