Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Thursday, June 15, 2006


A few months ago I read an interesting story in the press where someone who is supposed to have psychic abilities helped the police locate something to do with a crime. It seemed quite astonishing and I was going to blog about it but just pushed it to the back of my mind. Obviously though it's stayed logged in as a memory while a lot of other things that I've read have been forgotten.

I became interested again after speaking to someone who seemed to know quite a bit about "me" without having met or spoken to me before and who actually had no knowledge that I existed on this planet before that evening if you know what I mean. So off I went on a journey of exploration. I wasn't impressed on the whole to be honest. But there were a small number of people who surprized little cynical me.

I was aware that a lot of the information that was supposedly coming from somewhere else was actually phishing which was then redirected back at me. Other stuff was just soo wrong that I got fed up with having to listen to it especially when it was combined with phishing.

But there were a number of people who managed to come up with information that knocked me back a bit. I also became aware that the information they were passing on had to be filtered through their own personalities and world view. A couple of times I realised that people had got things spot on but were just interpretting things differently from the way I would have described it myself. Interpretting through their own life experiences and views. And I accept for some it might have been a little confusing to have me at the end of the phone.

I got a lot of very sound practical advice .... from some. Talking this over with someone else they said they'd been impressed with the practical information and advice they'd had from these types of people. I met some very nice people and some with personalities that were unpleasant.

I made one prediction when I first wrote about this. Not from having any psychic abilities but rather from a knowledge of certain types of human personality. I would like to say that all the studying and experience was not in vain and I was proved right.