Dancing In The Dark With The Stars All Around

Monday, May 29, 2006


Seems I'm getting over the effects of the anaesthetic. Guess I had a slight allergic reaction to it which really showed when I was given a lot of it.It's not a surprize as I have slight reactions to a number of medications .. which is why I take as few as I possibly can which is back to none right now.

My first warning came when I was put on valium because I had gastric flu back in the very early 70s, they put you on the ruddy drug for almost anything in those days. Though I have to say that my mother was offered it for much the same thing about 10 years ago, she refused, remembering my experiences. I ended up on another couple of drugs to counteract the effects of the valium, which I wasn't taken off because after a few days they were treating me for the side effects of the drug and why I'd actually been put on it got lost in the process. Not an unusual story back in those days.

I ended up having dreadful problems sorting it out going into I'm Dancing As Fast As I Can scenario. I'm Dancing As Fast As I Can is a book written in the 70s/80s by a TV producer who was put on valium for a bad back and then developed appalling problems when she tried to withdraw from it. I went much the same route, got put back on a load of stuff to stop what the withdrawal was doing to me and then had to withdraw by myself from the medication because I couldn't trust the people who were meant to be helping me.

I'm not feeling quite so good today. Muscles aren't so good, but it could be a lot worse and I ain't complaining.